OzMarcy's Diary

February 26, 2024

Things went well last night. I was right, my roommate didnt hold any hard feelings. We had a good time at the Jamboree. Of the jams I sampled, heres my list:

  1. B.E.A.R. Jam
  2. Lingonberry Jam
  3. Fig Spread
  4. Strawberry-red currant Jam
  5. Cherry
  6. Straberry
  7. Ube
We also had charcuterie, and it was super good.

February 25, 2024

Been a slow day so far. Ive been working on my cross stitch project, and it's coming along slowly. I started it a month or two ago, and I'm maybe 20% done. Its a 20in x 20in design on 14ct aida, which is way too many fuckin stiches. It's a monochrome design, but I didnt bother to buy new thread for it, so I'm changing colors whenever I run out of thread. I think it gives it a quirky, more modern feel. It also let me work through the stash of embroidery floss Grandma left me.
I think I was accidentally really insensitive to my roommate. We were chatting because they'd come to me to untangle a knot in a necklace chain, and they were looking for me to talk them out of taking diet pills. I did (successfully, I think), which is good becuase diet pills are super unhealthy and/or useless. But then I got to talking about my feelings about my weight, and I feel like I came off like I was trying to present our weight struggles as equal. I'm not skinny (not anymore), but most people donn't perceive me as especially fat. I'm chubby at most. But my roommate has to deal with real fatphobia on the daily, and I know that they have it way worse than me. Theyre trying to lose weight (which I dont think is going to work, because I dont think weight loss works well at all) and I think I was too candid about my feelings about dieting. I've read too many studies about how dieting does more harm than good to be neutral about it, and I'm so bad at hiding my feelings. I didnt mean ot make them feel hopeless, but i think that's exactly what i did. I know they'll forgive me, beucase we've known each other long enough to know each other's flaws (and my accidentally cruel honesty is not a new trait), but I still feel like an asshole. Maybe I'll apologize when they get back from the botanical garden. Not sure if I'll have a chance though, becuase we're having our Jam Jamboree later. I'll report back after that.

February 24, 2024

Day 1. We'll see how this goes. My main creative project of the day: making this site. Finally I have a reason to learn HTML lol. I've finally got it to a usable state, but I still want to play around with some of the more advanced features. Hokey, clutered sites are an artform, and if I want to acheive that, I'm gonna need more low-quality gifs.